
CXOOP2OSUO.EXE - OutOfProcess Server

CXOOP2OSUO.EXE - OutOfProcess Server

The programme cxoop2osuo.exe ("Out ofProcess-Server" or OOPS for short) is started as a background programme by ClassiX and was originally required as cxoopso.exe for printing BIRT. As of DLL version, the functionality of the programme has been extended so that the CrashDumps are now also generated via this programme.

The communication with the ClassiX process is done via shared memory, so that a firewall or network adapter does not hinder the communication with the OOPS in principle. At the same time, this also means that several ClassiX processes in the same local network cannot share the same OOPS and an OOPS process has to be started on each machine.

CXOOP2OSUO.EXE is started the first time a ClassiX application is started and survives the abnormal termination of the application. If several ClassiX applications are started, cxoop2oso.exe is nevertheless started only once. When the last ClassiX application is terminated normally, the programme is also terminated automatically.

Normally the OOPS does not write a log file. If the environment variable CX_OOPS_LOG is set in the starting ClassiX process, the OOPS reads the logging.ini of the ClassiX process and writes a log file in the same output directory as the main process. The log files contain "OOPS" in their name.

The OOPS writes the most important log entries to its own console even without the specification of CX_OOPS_LOG, which can be opened at any time via ShowOOPSConsoleWindow.

Call example:

The OOPS can also be started manually in the console for quick troubleshooting.

cxoop2osuo.exe -c -e

With this command, the OOPS is started in console mode and does not terminate automatically after the last ClassiX process has been terminated. Specifying -e will enable logging, which will result in an error message on the console because no logging.ini was specified, but the process will still work cleanly and log messages up to the DEBUG level to the console. Without specifying -e, the OOPS will only log up to INFO.

To get even more detailed debug information, the OOPS should be started with the following logging.ini:

log4cplus.rootLogger=TRACE, CONSOLE log4cplus.appender.CONSOLE=log4cplus::ConsoleAppender log4cplus.appender.CONSOLE.layout=log4cplus::PatternLayout log4cplus.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p %c - %m%n

The directory containing this file should be assigned to the environment variable CX_SYSTEM before starting the process and then the process can be started as follows.

cxoop2osuo.exe -c -e -l console_logging.ini